New Videos – Science and Yoga: Dr Foss explains to a lay audience how some of our experiences, inexplicable to current science viewpoints, may actually be readily explainable. Science may come to provide a basis for understanding the experiences of  not just saints and yogis but day-to-day experiences that we have but rarely think much about. Life is much more profound than the current intellectual models give it credit. On the Shri Jyoti Star YouTube channel and here.

Muhurta when it is really important: This ground breaking webinar gives many insights into successful and unsuccessful muhurtas and their consequences. Recorded August 18, 2019 it Includes the history of Brexit up to Oct 31, 2019 and the USA 2020 campaigns. Already we see these insights at work.

Avasthas, Interpreting Planetary States: This classic lecture covers a much neglected but key part of Parasara’s teachings.